Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tip 10: Keep Your Well From Running Dry--Drink More Water

Water is a wondrous drink! We can live many days without food, but only 3 days without water.  Water is essential to our survival and comprises 60% of our body weight.  Water is required for every system in our bodies.  Drinking adequate water helps our organs function better and helps carry waste products out of our bodies.  If we are trying to lose weight, water can help curb hunger by occupying space in our stomachs and helping us feel full sooner.  Lack of water, or dehydration, can drain our energy and make us feel tired and unable to exercise. 

In general, we should consume 8 to 12 cups of water per day.  This amount should increase in warm weather, at higher altitudes, and with exercise.  Another rule is a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses per day.  Our bodies tell us when we have not consumed enough water with thirst.  A basic guideline is that if you are feeling thirsty, you have not consumed enough water.  To meet your body's requirements, try filling a large water bottle or pitcher (maybe one that would hold about 32 ounces) and keep it with you throughout the day; you'll be more likely to drink if you have your cold water at hand.

If regular water does not suit your taste, try adding a squeeze of citrus—lemon, lime, or even orange juice.  Or consider drinking sparkling water.  Although you can buy bottled sparkling water, you can also make your own sparkling water at home with one of the new carbonated water machines like those from Soda Stream.  Making your own water means less consumption of glass or plastic from bottle packaging, less expense for you, and the ease of having sparkling water whenever you want.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy carbonated water (seltzer). But there are some reports that say the carbonation itself is bad. What is the problem? Bladder doesn't like carbonation? Bubbles block channels to bladder? Ma kara?
