Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tip 13: Avoid Eating for Two

Let’s face it, our American society eats too much.  Restaurants have conditioned us to expect large portions, and portion sizes have increased tremendously over the past decade.  Those expectations of large portion sizes transfer to our homes, and we condition ourselves to serve larger portions no matter where we are.  Most restaurant plates serve enough to feed two meals.  Unfortunately, we often believe that if we paid for it, we should eat it.  We also have a common tendency to eat whatever is on our plate.  Before you take that first bite, objectively look at the portions on your plate.  If the plate is large or the food is piled upon it, take a simple step of eating just half; divide your food and put half on a separate plate to share with someone else or in a “to go” box to eat the following day.  When the temptation to eat more than we really need has been removed, you can enjoy the food that remains.  This small act will make both your waistline and your pocketbook happy.

1 comment:

  1. One of the wisest persons I know is a radio talk show host. Since 1990, I have been influenced by his wisdom. About the weight problem, he agrees with you that all the commercial diet programs are silly.
    "To lose weight, just stop eating so much. Period. That's all. Stop eating!"
